Ever wondered why your life has taken its many twists and turns? Why you’re on this current path? Rear View Mirror Revelation embraces a way to reflect with God’s perspective to gain fresh understanding.
It’s often said that hindsight is 20/20. Meaning, if we knew in the past what we know now, we could have acted on that insight. A rear view mirror is like hindsight because it shows us where we’ve been. When we examine where we’ve been from a new perspective, it brings new understanding. This new understanding, when seen through God’s eyes, is life changing. Let me share my own rear view mirror revelation to show you what I mean.
Rear View Mirror Revelation
Divine Personal Connection
Preparations for writing my first book are earnestly underway (which is exciting and overwhelming in equal measure!) As I scoured my faith journals for content, an amazing rear view mirror revelation came into focus. I noticed how the longings of my heart, the bible studies I’ve read and the writer’s conference I attended all aligned.
Then I spied this 6 month old journal entry which stopped me in my tracks. “A more courageous me would connect with other writers in a peer group to gain perspective and solicit feedback.” Queue the lightening bolt from heaven! A divine connection came into focus. I recently joined a writers community which does all of this and more! My journal entry had long since faded from memory. Yet I felt led to the home page of a new bible study author. This author also has a ministry to support Christian writers. Wow! God connected these dots as part of his master plan for me. But I would have missed this connection without reflecting on where I’ve been.

This is not the first time I have opened my eyes to God’s perspective. Meditating on the past has brought numerous revelations. In addition to reviewing journals, I spend time reflecting on long walks or just sitting in His presence (never easy for me.) Whatever your process, look for the following signs as you reflect on your life from God’s perspective:
- God’s perfect timing (which didn’t feel like it during that season)
- Doors that were shut, but now you understand why
- Doors that were opened and led you to greater fulfillment
- God’s faithfulness in providing for your true needs
- Strength or comfort beyond your power that sustained you in a difficult time
- How past experiences have prepared you for this current season
- Deeper insight into others that allow you to love and support them more authentically

Ultimate Revelation
Meditating on how our lives connect to Jesus is the ultimate revelation. He willingly stepped down from heaven, lived, died and rose again in order to give us new life. This isn’t just a nice story. It’s our real and personal story. We are accepted, forgiven, beloved children of God who are connected through the ages to God’s family. There is meaning and purpose for all who call Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior. Step more intentionally into your life with this profound revelation and seek God’s perspective and direction for your life. You will be so glad you did.
Jesus, help us step back and reflect on the path our life has taken and see it from God’s fresh perspective. May we gain new insight about how you have preserved and provided for us throughout our lives. You gave up your life in order to give us ours. May we sense a deeper connection to your sacrifice and look forward to the future with hope and profound purpose. Amen.
That was a great message about how meditating on your past can bring revelations. I am excited for where your writing will take you in the near future!
Beautiful! The more we can trust in the Lord the more unsurprising our rear view mirror might be. Love this post and love your heart. ♥️
Love your comment about being less surprised as we trust more! Thanks for your encouragement!
Great message about God’s providence in all of the seasons of our life. I am so excited about the new chapter God has for you!
Looking forward to this new chapter too! Hoping you’ll be a willing reviewer as the book takes shape.