How do we Chose Thankfulness Year Round? Read on and remember to Share.
Choose Thankfulness Year Round
Thanksgiving is a holiday which centers around delicious food and quality time with those we love. Yet there is more to this holiday than just good times. Thanksgiving also shifts our thinking to a renewed sense of being grateful. Major things happen in our lives and for those around us, when we chose thankfulness year round. I recommend trying this one simple idea to increase your attitude of gratitude.
Be Present to Be Thankful
One thing that is key to being thankful, is to be present in the current situation. That may seem like something basic, yet at the same time somewhat impossible. Especially when you are swallowed up by moments of chaos and multi-tasking. But stop to consider the many blessings the Lord has provided – you are alive, you are saved through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, you have a roof over your head, clothes to wear and food to eat, the list goes on. There is much to be thankful for in all seasons of life.
Gratitude Leads to Peace
A thankful heart also grounds your life in peace. However that does not mean you can expect to live without adversity. There will be circumstances in life that you would prefer not to experience – watching a spouse live with ALS would be at the top of my list. Yet in this season, our faith and our relationship deepens, and for this I am so grateful. As this happens, there is a peace in the storm that can not be explained.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7
Going Deeper
How Contempt Destroys Relationships is a Psychology Today article referenced in the November 20th sermon. It highlights how gratitude, and its polar opposite contempt, effects relationships.
I pray that this Thyme4Faith post touched you in some way and that you will multiply its effect by sharing it with others.
Give thanks in all circumstance; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus – Thessalonians 5:18
Once again you sumed it up perfectly.
Have a blessed thanksgiving with your family, “try” to be more Mary than Martha my friend..the dishes can wait…hehe.. I will also be “trying” to take this advice. Love you Sherri
Thanks for the great reminder to strive toward the Mary behavior and to let go of my inner Martha!
Jessica Freimark
What a great post mom! Today I am thankful to have a wonderful mom like you!!!
Thanks so much Jessica. It feels God downloads all the content for the Thyme4Faith post and I just type, so all glory to Him! I am also thankful for you and the powerful impact your faith journey is having on my own.