Easter Ressurection Revives Life like nothing else can.
It’s been eons since my last Thyme4Faith message. So what better time for us to connect than the joyous celebration of Easter?
Life at the Bennett’s has evolved as ALS continues to impact my husband, Mike. Each change steals a little more independence and looks less like the life we used to live.
But Easter is more than colored eggs, fluffy bunnies, and ham at our house. It’s a clear path to what comes next. That’s because – Easter Resurrection Revives Life.
“All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by his great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation, and we have a priceless inheritance—an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay.”
1 Peter 1:3-4

Embracing Praise
Nothing hits the reset button like letting go of what you don’t have and praising God for what you do. Once we claim Christ as Lord and Savior, our identity is secure. No event or person can steal this from us. We can stand up to the fiercest storm.

Reborn Through Resurrection
Being born again can be confusing or contentious for some people. But for us, it means more than being tethered to the teaching of Jesus. It means having a personal relationship with Him that is intimate and instructive and infuses us with daily hope.

Heavenly Inheritance
So if you’re wondering how we live with a terminal illness, we do so by counting on the inheritance our Heavenly Father has prepared. Things on this earth will wear out, including the bodies we call home. But the truth is that this is not our home; we are pilgrims passing through this land. Because of the empty tomb, we live with great expectations of complete healing and blessings beyond measure.
An Easter Blessing: May you be filled to overflowing with praise for Your Savior. Let His sacrifice give new life to your body and soul. May you live in anticipation of eternal joy, while you travel this earthly journey. No matter what changes, Christ and Your inheritance will remain. In the name of the Risen Savior Jesus I pray this blessing. Amen.
For additional faith inspiration head to the Thyme4Faith index.
Just beautiful!
That was totally awesome!!!