Life has Major Plot Twists which leave us wondering what God is doing.
Major Plot Twist
Everyone loves a movie or book that includes a major plot twist. At first, you think you have it all figured out – the characters, the situation, what will happen next. Then bam! Something happens and everything looks completely different. When this happens in real life, a great question to ask, is – What is God doing?
It’s easy to get rattled when life doesn’t go the way we expected, hoped for, or planned. It could be health issues, like our ALS battle. Or it could be a relationship, career or financial issue. You name it. We can let these major plot twists in our lives stop us in our tracks and freeze us with fear. But what if we take a step back, just like when a plot twist happens in a movie? Examine things from a new viewpoint, based on what God is doing?
What is God Doing? – A Major Plot Twist
What if the main point in life is not our happiness, but the transformation of who we are, into something more holy? Wait a minute, you say. Me? Holy? Perhaps that feels like a major plot twist in itself! But what if the hardships and disappointments in life are really a chance to stop living in our own power, and instead, a chance to surrender and live in His power?
I think Meredith Andrews does a great job of describing how we can view our challenges, with a new God-centered perspective, in her song Deeper. Here is an excerpt of her lyrics:
I have had to let go of some hurt to hold on to hope
I’ve watched the sunset before the promise came
I have waded through waters wide and walked through the flame
And I can say
Every valley made me lift my eyes up
Every burden only made me stronger
Every sorrow only made Your joy go
Deeper and deeper, deeper, and deeper
I will run like I’m out to win, and finish the race
For every battle that’s sure to come I will be brave
I’ve got my heart set on every word You say
And no matter what lies ahead You’ll make a way
How do you set your heart on every word God says and believe that He’ll make a way? No matter what? Start by understanding the many promises outlined in the bible. Here are just a few that support these assurances touched on in this song:
I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. – John 14:26
For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. – Jeremiah 29:11.
And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been give to us in Christ Jesus – Philippians 4:19
Click on this link to explore More Promises of God
I encourage you not to view life on the surface, just reacting to it as it comes. There is a whole different plot twist when we dig deeper into God’s promises. We can then stand on those promises, to see the world through a whole new perspective.
Good one
Thanks Linda! Feedback is always appreciated. The faith piece is new, so it’s nice to hear it’s hitting the mark.