Come along for a look at our Route 66 trip as seen through the eyes of faith.
Inspiration for Road Trip Series
I need to give credit to my amazing church, Hosanna. It is their Road Trip sermon series which inspired this blog theme. My prayer, is that this series would encourage you to see your life as the ultimate road trip. And that God is riding shotgun right beside you.
Meaningful Encounters on the Faith Road Trip

Route 66 is a cross-country road stretching from Chicago to L.A. It’s filled with areas of intense scenic beauty, stretches of brown flat boredom, busy metropolis’ and ghost towns. There are many vintage, kitschy tourist stops, and the potential for adventure around every corner. We brought many books and maps identifying all the important highlights. Yet, it was the unexpected signs and encounters which provided the most meaningful experiences. When you look at life more broadly, this is exactly how God operates.

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. Proverbs 16:9

As I recounted stories of our trip to friends and family, I realized, it was the people we met along the way that gave us the most joy. In Kansas there was “Crazy Legs” Dean Walker, who was the inspiration for the character Tow Mater, from the movie Cars. In the Mohave desert, is was the Sheriff who protected a now defunct, iconic tourist stop in the ghost town of Amboy, CA These encounters made me realize the importance of slowing down, listening to, and connecting with others. This is a truth that would serve us all well, given the racial tension and violence we are currently experiencing as a country.
Don;t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it! Hebrews 13:2
The Reward at the End of the Trail

The last leg of the Route 66 road trip consisted of an arduous stretch of stop lights down Santa Monica Blvd. After thousands of miles, we finally arrived at the Santa Monica pier. It was an explosion of colorful sights and sounds. A beautiful vista of cloudless blue sky and ocean. Refreshing breezes wafted across the boardwalk and beckoned us to the very end of the pier. From this End of the Trail vantage point, we rested and reflected on the journey. As I look back with eyes of faith, this moment was like a small glimpse of what might be waiting for us in heaven.
But, as it is written, what no eye has seen, nor ear has heard, not the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him. – 1 Corinthians 2:9
So take heart on this journey we call life. Just like Route 66, there will be beauty and boredom along the way. But if you stay alert and look for them, God is putting signs and people in your path. If you can spot them, they will provide deeper meaning and spur you to grow in your faith. The best part, is that there is a reward at the End of the Trail for those that know and love God. So while your road trip may feel uncertain at times, trust in God to take the wheel and steer your life’s course.
“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a know God”
Corrie ten Boom (author and concentration camp survivor
I hope you found a nugget of faith to reflect on and take along with you on your journey. Stay tuned for the next leg of the journey, in the Thyme4Faith Road Trip series.
I love your cooking metaphors! You may have to do a guest blog with those clever analogies. I totally agree that people are the spice of life. Thanks for your comment and so glad you’re enjoying the recipes.
So very true, the people in our journey through life are the spice and give life that amazing flavour that God intended our lives to have. Just like the spices in your wondeful recipes!Thanks for sharing once again Cathy.
Karen, your sister in faith!