Few would argue the need for more grace in this world. But can you handle Gutsy Grace For Today?
Have you found yourself looking at others with disbelief or anger lately? You’re not alone. Even though we’ve already made it through tumultuous times, the world is still sorely lacking in grace. Why is this, and how do we turn things around?
Quick aside. I must ask for grace from my Thyme4Faith readers. I know it’s been eons since my last faith post. That’s because I have been writing daily posts for the Faith4Caregivers Facebook group I launched in September. But this topic of Gutsy Grace for Today was begging to be written, so here we are.
What is grace? My study bible defines grace as “God’s free and unmerited favor for sinful man.” That cuts to the chase in a direct manner, doesn’t it? Even though we don’t deserve it, God freely wipes our slate clean, through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Like winning the lotto, we get a do-over when we accept and live in God’s grace. Lucky us.

Gutsy Grace for Others
But is grace meant to stop with us? It’s much easier to receive grace than to give grace. But that’s where being gutsy (determined and courageous of spirit) comes in.
“Cause me to be Yours in the expression of Your grace as well as in the experience of it.”
Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, YouVersion Devotional Day 14
This quote from the great theologian Oswald Chambers illuminates a profound and simple truth. The expression and experience of grace go hand-in-hand. Or more accurately, one leads to the other. Humbly experiencing how Jesus has covered the magnitude of our sin changes us. The stupid teenage sins, the disregard or disdain we showed for others yesterday – all covered.
Fully grasping this grace gives us the courageous determination to express grace to others. Even those who don’t deserve it? Especially those who don’t deserve it. Just as we don’t deserve God’s grace. Gutsy grace wipes the slate clean and gives do-overs to others.
It might be a social media post you can’t believe someone made. Or that family member or friend that’s as far right as you are left. Or that driver that cut you off in traffic. Dig deep and find that extra measure of grace.

Refilling the Well of Grace
When my grace well feels dry, I spend a few minutes doing a personal sin inventory. As I consider Calvary’s grace covering it all, my well is refreshed. My perspective shifts. My expression of grace is given new life.
It will take a lifetime of practice, and we’ll fall short at times. But thankfully, there’s grace for that too.
God, thank you for your grace-filled covering of our sins. Help us remember that we ALL fall short of your glory. Bring us into a deeper experience of the grace we’ve been freely shown, that we may freely express Your grace to others. Amen.
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It’s humbling to think how much grace God has to extend to me in a day. This post is a great reminder that everyone is going through something and a little grace might be what they need and how they see Jesus through us.
Experience and express grace! 🥰
Beautiful and grace filled, just like you Cathy. Thanks for reminding me of the EVERYONE part❣
The everyone part is the hard part for me too! 😰