Humility Wins Every Time. What? Wait a minute. If we’re not trying to impress others, what are we supposed to do instead?
The world is captivated by people who shine the spotlight on themselves. The ones who assert their opinions with gusto and passion. Those who take the bull by the horns, convinced they have all the answers. But I wonder if this striving to impress has become a pandemic more widespread than COVID-19? Not a pandemic caused by a virus, but a pandemic caused by pride.
Pride vs Humility
By contrast, humble people observe the situations and people around them. They listen to what others have to say, seeking a wider perspective. Valuing the collective wisdom of others, humble people seek understanding before speaking or acting. I’ve heard it said that humility is not thinking less of ourselves but thinking of ourselves less.
Pride is a Sneaky Bugger
Pride can be a subtle thread weaving its way into our thinking and behavior. It even hides under the cloak of good intentions. I speak from personal experience in this sneaky game of pride.
Slowly but surely I’ve been working on a book to encourage other caregivers through faith. A noble cause on the surface, right? But as I wrestled my way through the first three chapters, I sensed something wasn’t quite right. The story seemed fine. The Scriptural truths felt solid and relevant. But I knew something at the core still needed to change. Then truth pierced my heart while attending a virtual Christian Writers Conference.
“Who are you really writing for?” Are you targeting the true needs of your reader or are you trying to prove you’re a good writer?”
paraphrased excerpt from Lysa Terkeust’s keynote at She Speaks 2020
Initially, I set out to help caregivers find the hope of Christ in their hardest moments. But pride caused me to veer off course. Impressing others became more important over time than aligning with God’s mission. Discovering this hidden point of pride has done more than realign my writing, it has realigned my heart as well.
When we embrace humility, we see the proper order of things. Our pride bows down to the Creator of the universe. That’s the easier part. It’s putting others above ourselves like Jesus did, where things get hard. But consider how Jesus gave up His life for others and our sacrifice of humility gains a proper perspective. Thankfully, we’re not left to figure this out on our own. The Holy Spirit directs us daily in the way of the humble if we are willing to hear.
Humility Wins Every Time
Can you imagine how different our relationships, our political climate, and our world, would look with humility at the helm? Think of the most humble person you know. How would you describe them? Kind, respectful, gentle, peace-loving, compassionate? Let’s all be more like that person. Let’s embrace humility and trust God to exalt us in His timing.
God, humility is hard to embrace. Our sinful human nature clings to pride, but that’s not what you want for us. Thank you Jesus for being our ultimate example of humility by dying for us. Help us lay down our self-serving desires through the power of your Living Spirit so we can walk in the way of the humble.
This post was inspired by the devotional message focused on James 4:6 presented by Hosanna’s Lead Pastor Ryan Alexander.
Awesome message Cathy. I’m with you.
Marge Knickerbocker
Very nice read, Cathy, I may be partial, but when i thought of a person to relate, I thought of you dad,
Dad is a perfect example of a kind, loving, humble person. But then, I am partial too. 🥰
Jesssica freimark
Great faith post mom.
I appreciate your positive feedback but give God all the credit. 👍❤️