How much time do you spend thinking about heaven? Does your anticipation of your eternal home come even close to your excitement about your next vacation?
Live like it’s real, because it is.”
Debbie Alsdorf, author of Deeper: Living in the Reality of God’s Love, p 21
These were the final words shared by Debbie Alsdorf’s mother before she passed. Her mother had glimpsed heaven and was amazed by what she’d experienced. More important than a final “I love you’”, she wanted her loved ones to know heaven was real and that it should change how they live.
To be honest, I don’t usually live like it’s real. Heaven is something I typically think about when I attend a funeral. Or when I pray for someone’s long term suffering to end. But the reward of heaven should be so much more.

Imagine, a reward beyond what we have seen, heard or can comprehend with our human minds. Trading all pain, worry, evil and death for profound beauty, peace and purpose. The more I let this seep into my heart I think, sign me up! I am so ready to leave the heartbreak and headaches of this world behind. But heaven should do more than fuel our desire for what comes next. It should be a driving factor in our life that changes our current behavior.
Live Like It’s Real
Grace and Stewardship

The gospel is very clear that we are saved by grace, not by works. This means that our faith in Jesus gains us a spot in heaven with our Savior. But how does living like it’s real look? Should our behavior include more than just believing Jesus died to purchase our freedom?
We’re saved by grace, but we’re rewarded for our stewardship.”
Susie Larson, author of Fully Alive (p 216)
Susie Larson makes an important distinction between our salvation and our stewardship. In addition to faith, we are to be good stewards of all we have been given. Stewardship is defined as “the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.” This includes serving God with our time, our talent and our treasure.
Loving What God Loves
We show our love for God by caring about what he cares about. Showing compassion, grace and love to those he puts in our life. Most importantly, he wants us to steward our faith by sharing it with others. He loves all His children and doesn’t want anyone to miss out on the ultimate reward of heaven.
Here’s a perfect analogy for being a good steward. In a recent sermon at Hosanna, Pastor Per Nilsen talked about being a conduit vs. a container. A conduit provides a continual flow while a container simply holds things. A container has to be filled up to overflowing before it can do God’s work. If we’re truly living like it’s real, however, we will be continually trying to align to God’s purpose. Loving and serving, each in the way we are uniquely made. Ultimately guiding as many people as possible towards this awesome eternal home called heaven.
Rewards Are Real
In Matthew 25 the parable of the talents is told. Before leaving on a long trip, the master gives each of his servants a number of talents (currency in biblical times) suited to their abilities. Two of the servants have a positive view of their master, while the third thinks he is a harsh man. Upon his return, the two who trusted the master reveal how they multiplied the talents on his behalf. The master then celebrates their success with them and rewards them accordingly. The third servant however does nothing but hide his talent, which causes him to miss out in a big way.
The biblical truth from this parable tells us God sees and rewards those that use their time, talent and treasure to multiple His kingdom. When we live like it’s real, it changes our behavior. Our desire for earthly treasures fades. Instead, our heart aligns with the treasures of heaven which are far greater than the anything this world has to offer.
God, help us gain a deeper and more personal view of heaven. May we anticipate its reward above earthly treasure. Align our hearts to love what you love. Equip us to be good stewards of our time, talents and treasure. We look forward to our amazing homecoming celebration and seeing all you have prepared for us. Amen
Awesome post Cathy! Always good to be reminded to slow down and refocus my heart and mind on our Father in heaven.
Thanks Mary! I agree. That last chapter of our Fully Alive study light a fire about heaven in my heart. Its so good to be reminded to keep our real home in our sights.
What a wonderful post mom. It made me really think about If I was living as a container or a conduit in my life.
I felt the same way after hearing this thought provoking sermon!