My name is Cathy, and I am cooking up a storm in the land of 10,000 lakes, aka Minnesota. My blogging journey started in October 2015, when I took early retirement to care for my former husband, Mike, who was diagnosed with ALS. As a type A person with lots of energy, I quickly became antsy and knew I needed a creative outlet. Thyme4Faith, my faith series, was added in May 2016.
After Mike’s heavenly homecoming, I slipped into a routine of forging for meals more than cooking. That happens when you are a party of one. But I recently moved to a new home with a lovely, bright kitchen and plan to rattle the pots and pans more regularily.
I am also excited to share how the faith element of my blog has evolved.
Tidbit of Faith replaced Itsthyme4Faith. This twice-weekly email series provides micro-messages of encouragement tied to everyday stories and Biblical truths.
Faith4Caregivers is a private Facebook group for caregivers of all kinds. Members enjoy daily devotionals that reflect their challenges with messages of hope and faith.
Faith For Caregiver Emotions: Daring To Reveal What Only Jesus Can Heal is my devotional that delves into the emotional roller coaster of my nine-year journey as a caregiver. Through relatable stories, I share the challenges caregivers experience but are reluctant to admit. Each story guides caregivers toward a more positive path through Scripture, personal application, and prayer to sustain the ongoing emotional battles of caregiving.
I hope these recipes and faith resources inspire and nourish you in the kitchen and in life.