Show Up for Life, especially when things are hard…
Show Up for Life
I’ve been casting about trying to find a Thyme4Faith angle on the mountain of trials surrounding me. Multiple family members and a friend have recently been diagnosed with cancer. Others close to my circle are struggling with depression, addiction, parenting challenges and career slumps. At the top of that mountain is our personal battle with ALS. How are we to respond to such trials?
This may sound really simple, but first and foremost, God calls us to show up for life. Especially for each other. We need to support each other through good times and bad. Rejoicing with those who rejoice is the easy part. I love rejoicing over victories big and small. But weeping with those who weep is much harder.
Sometimes this takes the form of a shared cry. I had this experience recently when I reviewed a slideshow with my hubby which was created for his funeral. Talk about hard. But it’s not always this difficult to show up. Sometimes it’s a call, a kind word, a ride to an appointment, a hot meal. Regardless of the form it takes, we are called to show up and do life together through it all.
What Do You Say?
So you show up, then what? What do you say to comfort and encourage others when they are facing difficult circumstances? I find my own words feel inadequate at times like these. That’s when I turn to God for His Words.
We can’t explain or even pray away all the trials life brings. But we can look beyond ourselves for strength, comfort and hope. We can bear each other up by tapping into the risen Savior living within us. How can this help us show up for life more effectively?
Holy Moments
My bible study group is reading a book called The Biggest Lie In The History of Christianity by Matthew Kelly. In his book, Kelly uses the term Holy Moments. I believe focusing on Holy Moments can help equip us to show up for life as we support others.
a Holy moment is an instance where you set aside self-interest, personal desire, and what you feel like doing or would rather be doing, and embrace what you believe will bring the most good to the most people in that moment” he also refers to Holy Moments as “collaborating with God.”
Matthew Kelly
So take heart, you don’t have to show up for life alone. By placing your faith in Jesus, you can harness His deep love for humanity. The risen Savior’s power will sustain you and help you support those in need that God has put in your life.
Jesus, thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to live within all who believe in you. I pray that your Spirt will fill us to overflowing with compassion, kindness and selflessness so we can show up in the lives of others. Help us to collaborate with you so we can bring comfort and hope to those in need and bring glory to your holy name. Amen.
Karen Marx
I give that an Amen as well! Love you Cathy : )
Its true.. Life is hard. Seeing the holy moments softens the blow.. As always, great post!
Patricia Mahoney
Excellent post, Cathy! I liked that you mentioned the book and “Holy Moments.”
The term Holy Moments has really stuck with me. Its helped me when I needed love and strength beyond my own needs to support others.