I hate to give away the ending but, the good guy lives!
Spoiler Alert: He Is Risen
Since it’s not quite Easter yet, “He Is Risen” feels like it falls into the Spoiler Alert category. But it’s not even the biggest headline for Easter. The bigger story, is that Jesus suffered, died and rose again on our behalf.
The reverence and honor we show to service members for paying the ultimate price is a good analogy for what Jesus did. Except Jesus wasn’t fighting a single war on behalf of a country. He was fighting THE war for ALL people. His mission was to defeat sin and death for all of God’s children. All you have to do is listen to the news, or the struggles of those closest to you, to see the brokenness in the world. God knew we were powerless to save ourselves, so he sent Jesus to pay the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf.
Yet unlike our military, Jesus was not honored in His time for His ultimate sacrifice. That’s because everyone expected a mighty and powerful king. Not a servant of the people who would lay down His life. This caught everyone by surprise. It was upside down from what they expected. But God is often an upside down God. The cross seemed like the worst thing ever to Jesus’ followers. But it was the best thing ever for the world. It was Jesus’ love for us that allowed Him to bear the cross for our sins.
Honor Through Belief
So how do we respond to such selfless love? How do we honor the ultimate sacrifice Jesus paid to forgive our sins and give us eternal life? It’s very simple actually. Believe. Acknowledge your need for a Savior and honor Jesus by giving Him your life. If you have never done this before, or want to renew your commitment, pray the following:
God, I want to switch the focus of my life from living for the approval of other people, to living for your approval alone. I put my faith in you, trust what Jesus Christ has done for me and commit my life to you. I pray this in your powerful and everlasting name, Jesus. Amen.
He Is Risen, Indeed!
Have a Blessed Easter
Jessica Freimark
Hajlajula he has risen! What a great reminder of the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross and the eternal hope he offers for those that accept that sacrifice. Great post mom!
Patricia Mahoney
Cathy, Good message!