Join me for the next leg of the Thyme4Faith Road Trip, which highlights our Spring excursion to the East coast.
Thyme4Faith Road Trip
East Coast Leg
I’ll share our mishap on the road, our experiences in the nation’s capital and the deeper connections we forged with friends and family, all through the eyes of faith. Remember to Like, Comment & Share!

When hit with a curve ball in the midst of life, is there still room for thankfulness? Absolutely! On day 2 of our trip, in the rural farmland of Illinois, we encountered a flat tire. Fortunately we have AAA, but learned it would be a 2 hour wait for help. To pass the time, I dug out my gratitude journal and started jotting a list of things to be thankful for in our present situation:
Reasons for Gratitude
1 – We had AAA.
2 – We were on a quiet back road, not a freeway.
3 – We managed to locate the jack behind the back seat, which was filled with a complete chaos of cross country road trip debris.
4 – The rain that had persisted all morning, stopped just as AAA showed up to change the tire.
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. – 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Of course the trip went on to include some great experiences as well, including a trek through New England, and delicious lobster in Maine.

But it was the experience of visiting our nation’s capital, that really impacted us. We found ourselves gaining a deeper appreciation for the high ideals of people like Abraham Lincoln and the sacrifices made by the many that gave their lives to defend our country. Clearly, these selfless individuals were deserving of the honor bestowed upon them in these memorials.

There is another person of great character, who persisted against all odds. One who sacrificed His life so that all could be saved. That person was Jesus.
He was handed over to die because of our sins, and he was raised to life to make us right with God. – Romans 4:24
Just as we take time to remember and honor our Founding Fathers and Soldiers, we should take time to honor the one who is a above all, with our hearts and our lives.
Connecting with Friends

Our trip also included lighter moments reconnecting with family and friends. Mike’s cousin Mark and his lovely wife Val, treated us to dinner in D.C. We also met up with our dear friends Donna and Bill for a weekend in Nashville before heading home. Time with friends and family is very precious to us. Whether you’re road tripping cross country, or just picking up the phone to share a little life, do make time to connect with those you love.
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. –1 Peter 4:8
Thanks for coming along on the East coast leg of the Thyme4Faith Road Trip. My prayer is that there was a little something that blessed you along the way. Stay tuned for Mike and Cathy’s next big adventure, as seen through the eyes of faith. God Bless!
What a great story! I just loved it!
What a great reminder to be thankful in all situations even the tough ones!
Amen, dear daughter! 😊