Trading Majesty for a Manger sounds like a bad deal on the surface. But we’ve all done crazy things in the name of love. Perhaps not this crazy though.
What would you give up to save the people you loved? Control over your schedule? Space in your home? Your savings? I know people who have done all of these things. But would you do the same for people who didn’t acknowledge you? Let’s go a step further and say these people knowingly did bad things. Would you still go to extreme lengths to help them? How about giving up everything for them, including your life?
This is what Jesus did when He traded His majesty for a lowly manager. He stepped down from His throne, where He was acknowledged and highly honored. No one in heaven doubted His identity or behaved badly. So why make such an unexpected and seemingly crazy decision?
Trading Majesty for a Manger
The Power Divine Love
God created us because He wanted to share His love with us. In fact, we are actually wired for connection with God.
Your heart was made to hold God. You were made by God and for God. Until you understand that, life will never make sense.”
Rick Warren, The Hope of Christmas devotional
Being made by God is the easy part to understand. Our heart can’t help but acknowledge the miracle of creation when we gaze at a newborn infant.
But it takes a lifetime to fully understand how to live for God. The good news is, Jesus is our perfect example. Through the power of divine love, He became human. Jesus then modeled the way to live for God. We get a first hand picture of this in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Jesus lived for God in love and obedience. Both in the way he lived and through His death on the cross.

As we live with my husband’s ALS, we are still discovering God’s purpose for this season of life. We have learned that trusting God in the midst of trial, stands as a mighty testimony to His faithfulness. Jesus stepped down from heaven so that we would not have to travel this road alone. He traded his majesty for a manger to give us hope, daily provision and the amazing gift of heaven.

As we gather our loved ones to celebrate Christmas, let’s pause to consider what the birth of Jesus means to us. Reflect on all Jesus left behind and all His sacrifice bought for you personally. Also reflect on what His birth has given all who believe in Him. A hope that lives above life’s circumstances, a perfect example of how to live for God and the ultimate gift – forgiveness of sin and eternal life.
Jesus, we are awestruck by your willingness to trade your majesty for a manager. Through your Holy Spirit, help us understand on a deeper level what this means for us personally. Fill us with gratitude for your birth and the new life we have in you. Amen.
Awe and wonder this Holy Season. Thank you for the reminder, “Be still and know, that I am God.” Psalm46:10
Awesome post mom. What a great reminder of what Christmas is about and what Jesus sacrificed for us.
Even though I’ve heard the Christmas story many times, it’s important to pause and take it in on a personal level.
Great words for us to think about, Cathy as we enjoy this Christmas season. It is hard to even contenplate what the Lord gave up for us so we could be with him in eternity.
We are blessed beyond measure.