Goals have a great way of making us take stock of where we’re at, which in turn, defines how high to reach as a next step. A great approach for careers, as well as life in general! As part of a new Blogging 201 course, I’ve created a vision of where I’d like to take Its Thyme 2 Cook over the next year and would love to get your feedback…
Goal – make Its Thyme 2 Cook easier, healthier and more relevant
- Easier – through the addition of “insider tips”
- Healthier – through more emphasis on healthy recipes
- More Relevant via increased feedback
What compels people to read a food blog or follow a recipe for that matter? Essentially, it’s because someone has gone down this road before us and taken the time to share those tips with others. I know I really appreciate that kind of insight and I think others will too.
One of the other things I’ve come to realize, is that my love for entertaining provides the content for many of my posts. The challenge, however, is that I tend to focus on more indulgent cooking when I entertain. To balance things out, I try to eat healthier on a day-to-day basis. I’d like to provide inspiration for others on this front as well. Healthy eating can be easy and delicious with a pinch of inspiration and a dash of planning.
Last point – your opinion counts! Social networks exist because people want to be part of a community. They have something to share and they want to hear from others. If you enjoyed a post, let others know by clicking on the Like feature within the post. Or be more expressive and provide a Comment. Your feedback could inspire or provide a smile for others. Another option I highly encourage, is to Subscribe to the blog (thanks to all that have subscribed so far!) By subscribing, you will be on the front burner, so to speak, with everything that’s happening at Its Thyme 2 Cook!
Great post! I don’t normally follow food blogs, but I like your title and I crave healthy food ideas. 🙂 Happy blogging.
Thanks for your feedback Michelle. I love the fact that you said you “crave” healthy food ideas. I resemble that remark – especially around this time of the year. Stay tuned!
Thanks for your feedback and your encouragement! I love the fact there are kindred spirits looking for healthy eating options. To be honest, I am passionate about eating, in general. That’s what motivates me to come up with healthy options. My motto is, you can be bad in a small way, if strive for balance over the long haul.
I’ll definitely be looking forward to the healthy recipes!
Even more important is that you write about the things you’re passionate about, because that always shines through to me, and that’s what makes me follow a blog. Best of luck with everything 🙂